personal finance Articles

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Post office Monthly Income Scheme has for long been a favourite with investors who want regular monthly income from their investments. They offer risk free 8.5% returns and are especially preferred by...Read More

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Over the last ten years, real estate in India has given good returns. Enticed with the idea of owning a house and seeing their assets rapidly appreciate in value, countless Indians have invested a large part of...Read More

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With FY 2013 – 2014 drawing to a close, the focus will now shift to FY 2014 – 2015. In FY 2013 – 2014 majority of retail investors stayed away from equity markets. Most of the retail investors, who did...Read More

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In our previous article we discussed the benefits of start investing early for wealth creation and we also discussed how it is possible using 'power of compounding'. Now, let's understand how Compound Interest...Read More

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Yesterday a good friend who happens to be a prospect as well asked, Vinayak how does it matter that all the products give more or less the same return, then why not only one product i.e. Bank FD for 10 years...Read More

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As with anything else in life, start investing from early age has great benefits. The earlier you start the better are the chances for creating wealth as you get more return for more time on your investments. However...Read More

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For those in your 60s, these are the golden years. You have worked long and hard to deserve a very happy and fulfilling retirement. The pleasure of seeing your children settled and your grandchildren...Read More

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In this series we have discussed some key financial management principles to be followed at various age groups, the twenties, thirties and forties. By the time you reach your fifties, you should have checked off...Read More

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For those who have entered their forties, life in itself is now a very enriching experience. There is now a certain kind of stability in your personal and professional life. Since you have obtained a wealth of...Read More

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For those in your thirties, this is an important stage of your life. Gone are the carefree days of the twenties. Most likely, now you have a family and your responsibilities are increasing. With increasing responsibilities...Read More
